Glad you changed your outlook Trina. And I'm glad the series hasn't set out to simply bash those on benefits. But most peoples' lasting views will be that of resentment towards those on benefits, no matter how emotionally sympathetic the last episode or two have been.
I've flat out refused to watch this series because it comes across as The Sun on screen. Right wing bullshit that just slates the jobless, blames the immigrants, and all the while ignoring the impact and direct control over the unemployment figures that corporations (prioritising profit over employment and employment rights) and austerity (attacking the weak instead of the corporate tax dodging) have.
Five times as many unemployed people as there are vacancies, this shouldn't be forgotten. And the new Tory figures are bullshit. Reduced unemployment? They're conveniently forgetting the underemployed with the thousands of zero-hour contracts there are nationwide, and the sudden increase in apprenticeships offered to young workers in completely unskilled work environments like retail, which in fact, just alleviate employers of yet more responsibility by having tax payers subsidise half of the apprentices minimum wage pay.
Still, the stats are there, and it was all done in good time for the elections!..... Horay

Cue Royal Gooner with some pro-Tory right wing bullshit.... the stage is yours mate.