Benefits Street

Benefits Street

Postby Trina » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:13 am

New topic needed for this I think!

How can it be legal for them in this country? A 15 year old married to a 20 year old. I know they didnt get married here, but its just not right. My daughter is nearly 15. I couldnt imagine letting her getting married and shacking up with someone. Too young!
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Trina » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:22 am

Oh wow...The Romanian family

Mother: The landlord asks for money but provides nothing, Now the gas been cut off - Pay the bills?

Boy: My family is here to work not to steal, The job centre said get out because your Romanian - bullshit!

Get a f***ing job!
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Royal Gooner » Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:16 pm

Just the sort of programme that channel 4 loves to put on. They love to make left wing programming and present it as if they're giving time to minorities but in reality they love to make things look bad for better ratings. For example "the undatables", that suggests that they could never find anyone without this programmes help because of their disabilities and that disgusts me that channel 4 do that because it's almost victimisation.

But that being said, everything, no matter how badly or deliberately edited, in a doccumentary does have core elements of truth in them.
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Trina » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:18 pm

The more of this I see, the more I was wrong with first impressions.

Some of the people know they screwed up and no matter what knocks them down, they keep going.

So many interesting parts to it over the last few weeks.

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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Est83 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:02 am

Glad you changed your outlook Trina. And I'm glad the series hasn't set out to simply bash those on benefits. But most peoples' lasting views will be that of resentment towards those on benefits, no matter how emotionally sympathetic the last episode or two have been.

I've flat out refused to watch this series because it comes across as The Sun on screen. Right wing bullshit that just slates the jobless, blames the immigrants, and all the while ignoring the impact and direct control over the unemployment figures that corporations (prioritising profit over employment and employment rights) and austerity (attacking the weak instead of the corporate tax dodging) have.

Five times as many unemployed people as there are vacancies, this shouldn't be forgotten. And the new Tory figures are bullshit. Reduced unemployment? They're conveniently forgetting the underemployed with the thousands of zero-hour contracts there are nationwide, and the sudden increase in apprenticeships offered to young workers in completely unskilled work environments like retail, which in fact, just alleviate employers of yet more responsibility by having tax payers subsidise half of the apprentices minimum wage pay.

Still, the stats are there, and it was all done in good time for the elections!..... Horay :rolleyes:

Cue Royal Gooner with some pro-Tory right wing bullshit.... the stage is yours mate.

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Re: Benefits Street

Postby UFGN » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:35 am

Est83 wrote:Glad you changed your outlook Trina. And I'm glad the series hasn't set out to simply bash those on benefits. But most peoples' lasting views will be that of resentment towards those on benefits, no matter how emotionally sympathetic the last episode or two have been.

I've flat out refused to watch this series because it comes across as The Sun on screen. Right wing bullshit that just slates the jobless, blames the immigrants, and all the while ignoring the impact and direct control over the unemployment figures that corporations (prioritising profit over employment and employment rights) and austerity (attacking the weak instead of the corporate tax dodging) have.

Five times as many unemployed people as there are vacancies, this shouldn't be forgotten. And the new Tory figures are bullshit. Reduced unemployment? They're conveniently forgetting the underemployed with the thousands of zero-hour contracts there are nationwide, and the sudden increase in apprenticeships offered to young workers in completely unskilled work environments like retail, which in fact, just alleviate employers of yet more responsibility by having tax payers subsidise half of the apprentices minimum wage pay.

Still, the stats are there, and it was all done in good time for the elections!..... Horay :rolleyes:

Cue Royal Gooner with some pro-Tory right wing bullshit.... the stage is yours mate.

Well said.

I grew up in pretty extreme poverty by this country's standards. Not far in terms of income from the people shown on Benefits Street. But I did ok at school and I had good parents, despite having f**k all.

Apart from a brief spell of unemployment ive been in constant full time work since age 18.

But that doesn't make a juicy story or help bash the poor so you wont see it on telly.

I have mixed feelings about the people actually on the show. Yes they are prize idiots for allowing themselves to be filmed, but where is channel 4's journalistic integrity? They have put some vulnerable people in an even more vulnerable situation.

Id also like to know whether the production company gave any money or incentives to the people who took part. If they did that would put a completely different angle on it, pointing to outright exploitation.
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby UFGN » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:56 am

Royal Gooner wrote:and present it as if they're giving time to minorities .


What exactly do you mean by that? You love that word 'minorities' and seem to apply it to all sorts of different people, usually with negative undertones.

I think you have an attitude that anyone who isn't white, middle class, straight and Christian is a 'minority'
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby EvAMY-CRAIGLEEAFC » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:41 am

It is not real. Like the Jeremy Kyle show tbh. I have known a person who lives near me. Never worked. You can be sure, Never will but she is always applying, going on these schemes. You cannot generalise any people in any walk of life or style if you like.
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Est83 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:49 am

EvAMY-CRAIGLEEAFC wrote:It is not real. Like the Jeremy Kyle show tbh.

Exactly, but it makes good TV :thumbsup:

Keeps us fighting (and judging) amongst ourselves, instead of focussing our attention collectively on the people who really control our wealth and quality of life.

Amazing how many people disregard transfer rumours based on the name of the rag that prints it, but take the trash on the front page as gospel! Yes, those dirty scrounging benefit claimers and Polish lot are fuelling this recession and hindering our recovery :rolleyes:

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Re: Benefits Street

Postby GSK_AFC » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:12 pm

I didn't want to watch this because it sounded like BS but was forced to watch it yesterday for a seminar at uni. Instantly recognised the area and a couple of the faces and turns out I live about 5 mins away from where it was filmed. In fact one of the people from the show was stood next to me at the bus stop today and I've seen that guy who was formally homeless around town a couple of times.
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Royal Gooner » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:31 pm

UFGN wrote:
Royal Gooner wrote:and present it as if they're giving time to minorities .


What exactly do you mean by that? You love that word 'minorities' and seem to apply it to all sorts of different people, usually with negative undertones.

I think you have an attitude that anyone who isn't white, middle class, straight and Christian is a 'minority'

I'm referring to channel 4's love of broadcasting left wing documentaries and programmes that do give time to minorities, ethnic, disabled, on benefits those sort of minorities. But they always twist it to elicit a reaction and not in a good way. For example "the undatables", that suggests that they wouldn't be able to get a date if it weren't for this programme. it is wrong that they do that in my view.

I trust you read my whole previous comment, not just that bit?
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Royal Gooner » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:33 pm

Est83 wrote:Glad you changed your outlook Trina. And I'm glad the series hasn't set out to simply bash those on benefits. But most peoples' lasting views will be that of resentment towards those on benefits, no matter how emotionally sympathetic the last episode or two have been.

I've flat out refused to watch this series because it comes across as The Sun on screen. Right wing bullshit that just slates the jobless, blames the immigrants, and all the while ignoring the impact and direct control over the unemployment figures that corporations (prioritising profit over employment and employment rights) and austerity (attacking the weak instead of the corporate tax dodging) have.

Five times as many unemployed people as there are vacancies, this shouldn't be forgotten. And the new Tory figures are bullshit. Reduced unemployment? They're conveniently forgetting the underemployed with the thousands of zero-hour contracts there are nationwide, and the sudden increase in apprenticeships offered to young workers in completely unskilled work environments like retail, which in fact, just alleviate employers of yet more responsibility by having tax payers subsidise half of the apprentices minimum wage pay.

Still, the stats are there, and it was all done in good time for the elections!..... Horay :rolleyes:

Cue Royal Gooner with some pro-Tory right wing bullshit.... the stage is yours mate.

Channel 4 is right-wing? :doh: They're quite the opposite.

Pro-Tory? I'm a former conservative member but I am not voting for them since they stabbed their core support in the back.
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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Est83 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:08 pm

Didn't once refer to the station as right wing, just the program. I actually half share your opinion on channel 4, I find them to be very attention seeking, controversial for the sake of being controversial... unethical, gossip mongering leeches!

I'm aware of your politics and it's still Tory to me. UKIP are no better, a flat rate tax, and openly in favour of more austerity. Who the f*ck do they represent?

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Re: Benefits Street

Postby Trina » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:16 pm

Anyone watching the live debate on four?

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