Highbury Hillbilly wrote:Xenforo does seem like a modern, stable platform to move to. We could finally get rid of the eyesore of super long pages where a lengthy post is quoted and replied to over and over again. Xenforo "trims" these posts visually with a "click to expand" button so they don't take up an entire screen length each time. Huge improvement.
Also, "quoted" posts would include links back to the original post, which can be useful.
And yes, the ability to post images more easily would be huge. I assume attachment images are tiny to save on bandwidth, as this forum's underlying tech is from the 2000s.
One big question: what would happen to the historical posts on this site? Can they be migrated to Xenforo or would we be starting from a blank slate?
Everything can be migrated, so all posts and content would remain the same, but the look and format would change.
It would also allow users to directly upload photos to the forum from any device, easily, as well as allow you to view any live updates to threads whilst making a comment.
There are a shit ton of plugins we could use.
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