Ach wrote:Taking the knee must continue as well.
Last 24 hours has shown why it's important
Anyone still having a problem with the fight against racism is part of the problem
But what does taking the knee actually do though?
Does it fix anything, tbh .......... it makes it worse and that's reality.
Probably why some agenda driven parties want it to continue, it keeps the subject of racism alive and its also seen as a radical Left talking point, which pisses off Conservative / Centre Right voters, not because of the race message but because of its Far Left association.
As I said previously, no one ever had a problem with "Kick it out" its when the kneeling is associated with BLM that it became a problem.
............ if you want to fix the issue you need to have the same accountabilty for your words online that you would face to face, that means no more posting annonymously, every post you need to sign in with an verified ID account so the Gov't know exactly who you are wherever you post.
You claim you want to fix online racism, are you prepared to allow the Gov't to enforce that action? if not you are all talk, and that goes for anyone.
Toxic online commentary is allowed because of annonymous posting, its as simple as that, fix it or stfu basically.
........... but do people really want to fix the problem, or do the media, Gov't and extremists prefer it as a continual talking point and click bait subject, I wonder?