Hi guys first time poster signed up to rant and hopefully some Gooners share my views!
Why should I invest so much of my time and effort into this club when really I get no benefit from it whatsoever?! Really all they care about is my money and that's it! Literally they do not care about my well being, my health, my family or friends etc how I am doing in life. If i were to pass away they wouldn't know or care - would not pay for any funeral costs or any compensation to my family. They just want me going through them gates week in week out! No proper trophies for years no success just a manager which it seems does not give a toss about the fans. Now the final straw was not finishing top 4 last season and officially moving down below Liverpool in the pecking order. This is what made me think...
Why should I carry on supporting this club when our neighbours Spurs and Chelsea are miles ahead of us now in terms of success, football, fans and respect?? Arsenal haven't shown me any loyalty so why should I show them any??! Is it against the law to start supporting another club? No is the answer. Being from London why cant i switch to Chelsea or Spurs who do more for their fan base, much more. Levy and Roman respected individuals who have sacrificed so much for the club and fans. Have friends who are Chelsea and Spurs fans so getting into it wont be hard. Anyone else thinking along the same lines and want to join me on this exodus?!