theHotHead wrote:And what ??? Shows the pussyhole-ness of the West !!
Scared of what Putin might do they let him get away with murder literally, but the countries they can bully they put their boots firmly on their necks !!
Pussyholes !
If its wrong for one it should be wrong for the other, thats the clear definition of hypocrisy and double standards.
If they provoked an escalation from Russia which affected this country, you would as a matter of stone cold fact be crying like a bitch on this forum. So you’re as much a pussyhole as anyone else.
As far as I’m concerned, take it to Russia. Murdering c**** need to be put back in their box and how many European neighbours are they going to be allowed to attack before shit has to eventually get real for them? Shall we let them attack Finland next? Estonia? But that’s not the opinion of most. Wars are often two way things and people tend to like their families alive.